Page 20 - A guide to buying a new property in Valencia
P. 20
Fiscal Representatives
It is not compulsory for a non-resident individual owning property in
Spain to appoint a scal representative. Nevertheless it is recommended
as both the above returns need to be completed and the tax paid during
May / June each year, which can be time consuming and frustrating for
individuals who are not permanently living in Spain.
The scal Representative will deal with the Spanish Tax authorities and
receive noti cations on your behalf and advise you if any local tax issues
arise which require your attention.
Appointment of a Fiscal representative is straight forward for an
individual as this can be done with a simple Spanish Power of Attorney,
and paying their professional fee.
A foreign company owning property in Spain by contrast must appoint
a scal representative and will need to execute a Spanish Power of
Attorney in the representative’s favour to deal with its Tax affairs in
Spain. The company will also need to produce to the tax authorities a
translation into Spanish of its Memorandum and Articles of Association
and Certi cate of Incorporation.